Get WinRar Password

Dear friend, have you ever download a rar file with password? It needs a password to open that file but you don't have. What will you do? Yes, you're right. You'll search any program to open that file. You're not wrong, but there is a simple thing you can do to open that file (get the password). How do we get the password? You don't need any password cracker program anymore. What you need is only Google search to find your password. Here is the simple way;

> Open
> Copy the name of Rar file you've downloaded and paste in the Google search box.
> Add +pass behind the file name, then press search.

I have a file j_monh_04_tchoLove.rar change it to j_monh_04_tchoLove+pass (remove .rar) What happened then? Look at the picture,

Do you see word pup_zemli? Thats the password. Good luck....!!!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    $$haring my chip$$ today hope you do same for me my friends

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